Frauke-Maria Thalacker

Lyrischer Koloratursopran

Education & Musicology

In addition to her artistic career, Frauke Thalacker has gained significant experience teaching and contributing to scientific discussions on classical music.

Frauke is a professional instructor for university students as well as professional and amateur singers. Her span of expertise encompasses classical singing, voice building, phonetics, speech, and rhetorical training. For many years, she has been a teacher in two renowned specialised singing institutes.

Frauke is member of the German Schubert Society, the Richard Wagner Organisation and the German National Association of Teachers for Singing. Due to her expertise, Frauke was eIected to the Curatorium (board of trustees) of the German Schubert Society, where she helps shape the organisation’s reputation.

Additionally, she plays an active role in each organisation by giving lectures, seminars and concerts. In 2012, Frauke gave a speech to the International Schubert Congress Duisburg under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Dr. Walther Dürr.

On top of her regular activities, Frauke takes pride in teaching and giving lectures and workshops, which she has done for such notable institutions as the University for Music and Theatre Hamburg and Folkwang University Essen/Duisburg. In the summer of 2011, Frauke taught as a guest lecturer at the University of Hamburg.

Some of her lectures have been published as scientific essays. Frauke’s articles have appeared in the Schubert Year Book published by the German Schubert Society, in the edition 2006-2009, the edition 2010-2013 (“Schubert, his Songs and Scrolls" on the occasion of Peter Schreiers’ class at the Folkwang University Essen/Duisburg) and in the latest edition ("Use of Water Metaphors and Wanderer Motive by Franz Schubert “).

CD - Manon, Gilda, usw.

CD - Geheimes Flüstern